Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Is Finally Here!

Karen knows Spring is here when her wisteria goes crazy on her back porch arbor

Pet knows Spring is here because the geese are having a party in the pond


Well Pet, the signs are everywhere. From flowers blooming like a virtual carpet in my front yard to the blossoms on my twin plum trees, all signs point to Spring is finally here! Nothing beats this time of year. I just love all the flowers. My back porch arbor is just starting to be covered with lavender wisteria blooms. They are so beautiful when they drape down over the beams. And the scent is amazing. Like someone dumped a huge vat of high priced perfume on my porch. As I breathe deep to enjoy the fragrance, I might sneeze, but who cares. Spring is here: )


The season seems more advanced in S. Cal than here in the Tennessee Valley, or do you have spring year round there in Paradise? The sign of the season I like best is the return of the bluebirds. The pretty little birds are friendly and like to join in on walks along the road by hopping on the telephone wires to keep up the pace. The plum trees are finally blooming. No, we don't get delicious plums from them. They get their name from the shape. They are quite popular because they bloom early, while most of the other trees are still dormant. My garden calls, but I learned a harsh lesson last year; planted everything in a balmy March and then a killer freeze hit April 5. We'll wait until April 15. 


Ah gardening. I love it and hate it. When I pick a plant that loves the spot I picked for it I'm so proud. The larger it gets I feel like an overjoyed parent. But when the plant rebels and fights the spot of even worse, decides to commit suicide, I just want to pack in my not so green thumb. But after a few years of trial and error, I think I found what works. And we do have seasons in Paradise they are just much more subtle than other places. I think Spring is the most obvious. A riot of blooms is everywhere. Only the palm trees don't join in. They are party poopers. : )


You seem to garden as I do. Whatever grows, I plant in abundance. Big disappointment, I can't get one of our faves, healthy, tasty garlic to grow in the Volunteer State. Did well in Western Maryland, we even grew a crop to take to the farmer's market. Florida can't support garlic because little cloves need a freeze to multiply into big heads. Even with the local frosty winter, garlic is anemic around here. You might like the wisteria. but as far as garden aromas go, nothing beats the scent garlic oh oh, I forgot not everyone likes garlic the way we do! But the wind blowing over a field of the stuff makes for a very heady experience.


Spring is a very heady experience for me too. It's hay fever time! My nose lets me know that Spring is right around the corner before I see the first burst of blooms in my garden. First I feel an occasional tickle and then when the garden looks best I'm on allergy medicine with a tissue plastered to my nose. : )


I know what you mean! ET sprouts wall-to-wall hay fever sufferers along with the fantastic basketball and football teams! Other signs of spring are those little creatures that disappear in the winter and stick noses out in the summer. Bunnies everywhere get shooed out of the garden. Ditto ground hogs. Humming birds have free reign. Turtles and frogs stick to the pond, but nosey skunks love to slink around the house. Meeting up with Mr. Skunk will surely clear your head and make you run for the deodorizing tomato juice.


LOL. As someone who tangled with not one but two skunks, (yes we have them in the suburbs of the city) I attest that the experience is unforgettable, for several days anyway.  Count on Spring to be the breeding season. I was lucky enough to have two skunks battle it out in my basement. The spray feast not only stunk up the whole house but our clothes reeked too. Tomato juice doesn't work for clothes. But four times through the washing machine with a vinegar rinse did the trick. But maybe not totally because I did see a few people hold their noses when I walked by. : )


Ah yes, the sights, the sounds, the smells and the sneezes of spring! We love the season anyway. Time to get out the shorts, kick off the shoes, and fire up the barbecue grill. Why does everything taste so much better outdoors and hot off the grill? At our house hubby considers the balmy weather new car time. While I don't particularly care for searching through long lines of new and newly used cars and trucks to find the perfect match up, a different vehicle makes the world go round. At least that's what dh tells me!


Here in Sunny California it's time to get out the shorts and sandals and hop in the convertible, hey wait a second, we do that all year round. : ) As for me, I'm slumming with my sun roof. Which I definitely don't use as much in the Winter. Now it's wide open to the sky. The thing I like most about Spring in Southern California is the perfect 70 degree weather. Not to hot or cold. Just right. It still gets a little nippy at night, about high 40's so you still need a jacket. I know. I can hear the people that live in the East and the Northern part of the country laughing their assess off right now.


Yes siree, Southern California sounds like paradise, except for the fires, mudslides, and earthquakes. But then all areas seem to have their own little weather emergencies. Here in the Southeast tornadoes are a problem this time of year. Not for us since living in a valley inside of a valley keeps out the worst, but we do get strong winds and lots of bang bangs with the lightening and thunder. Usually the wild weather follows a beautiful spring day, the kind hubby calls "weather breeders". Then after the storms, the temps plummet. Have to go and help with the birthday dinner. DH is a spring baby. Guess what he wants the birthday fairy to bring him? Hint: four wheels and a top of the line springtime aroma. Eau de New Car.


Even the fragrances of Spring can't beat out new car smell. And you're right about every place having a down side. We here in LA keep waiting for the big one. At least once a year scientists trot out to warn us to be vigilant. Always carry an emergency bottle of water and food in our cars, every LA person's home away from home. With every year that goes by without so much as a four on the Richter scale, we continue on with our lives as if the big one will never happen. So to celebrate, I'm going to go out in my garden and dig in the earth that thankfully isn't moving. : ) Viva LA Spring! 


Anonymous said...

Love the beautiful flower pictures!
In Baltimore, spring comes a bit later--its still cool and not much is blooming yet.

Anonymous said...

More people should take the time to smell the roses, it would make such a better world, Even if the roses are sometimes a garlic garden or the smell of a new car,Heres to Pet,karen,for taking the time,

Anonymous said...

Hi gals,
You all have a lot of fun. All the recipes made me hungry! As far as the economy is concerned, I've always been a frugal shopper, a coupon clipper and a super bargain hunter. Heck, one of my 8 books, Little Hands-Create! is all about having fun and making cool stuff with junk you find around the house.

Thank for all the yummy recipes.
Mary--the Trash to Treasure Teacher